Is your insurance a car crash waiting to happen?

Chatting to my neighbours recently, we discussed the fact that our street seemed to be one that attracted noisy racy cars who used the street late at night.

‘I’m not sure why’ one commented, ‘I guess they’re young and don’t really think about the consequences.’

‘So much could go wrong,’ the other responded.

This got me thinking. Young people often dont think about what will happen if they crash their car when they step behind the wheel. They’re often just wanting to impress their passengers or feel the thrill of being able to drive their own vehicle. They’re in control, yet they dont understand what might happen if the brakes fail or a car pulls out in front.

It’s the same with businesses and people who fail to take out insurance – or make the wrong decision. How many times have we watched the news and seen victims of the floods or fires in recent times, complaining they have nothing left because they didn’t have any coverage?

After this conversation, I rang a couple of my clients to chat to them. I wanted to make sure they were up to date on what was needed or see if there was anything else I could do to support them.

One client replied. ‘I’ve just added a brewery actually – and I was going to give you a call, but I havent had time to think because I’ve been too busy!’

We talked about the fact that so much can go wrong in life but none of us worry until it’s too late. Too often it’s too late to even take out insurance – let alone update or change what we may have as it doesn’t suit our built purpose.

Have you changed the way your business works recently but been too busy to update what you needed? Or maybe your old insurance policy isn’t suiting your budget.

Our insurance brokers look for the best options to suit your business. We specialise in pubs, clubs, hotels, restaurants and hospitality venues. So why not give us a call and have a chat?

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DISCLAIMER: Each business will have its own needs and policies are based on individual needs. There is no one size fits all. The information provided is for general information purposes only, and it is not a substitute for professional advice.  You should always consider the PDS/Policy wording before making a decision.  Coverage may differ based on specific clauses in individual policies.  Refer to the FSG on our website or by requesting a copy for our services and remuneration details.

MyPub Insurance Pty Ltd endorses the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice. To obtain a copy of the code click here

Is your insurance a car crash waiting to happen?


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