Have you thought about loss of revenue?
Thinking they’d be organised, a recent client of mine began preparations for dinner the following evening. Afternoons were quiet in the small old style pub, and this was usually the time for preparing the next day’s meals.
The end of the footy season also saw the local team come in for drinks, partying on until closing, meaning a busier night than usual. Whilst this wasn’t unexpected, the kitchen staff were called in to assist with the bar and accidentally left the pot of stock on the stove. It wasn’t until they saw smoke seeping under the doors, alerting them to the cause, that they took action.
Though the fire was able to be doused reasonably quickly, unluckily for them, the local brigade had already been called out to a factory fire nearby and it took over an hour to arrive.
The result? Damage to the property included intense smoke damage and the need for new wiring (which corrodes from smoke); new furniture; carpet; painting and wallpaper. The kitchen had to also be extensively cleaned and appliances replaced. The restaurant was closed for a month, also meaning loss of revenue.
This can happen so easily in a small pub where staff assist with serving when it gets busy and whilst costs for repairs were covered for this small business, they hadn’t thought about the loss of revenue of $120k plus.
Why not speak to MyPub Insurance to make sure your pub is adequately covered!
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